
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How To Play Super Smash Brothers Brawl Online? Nintendo Wi-fi Connection Errors

On March 9th at Midnight marked the release of a Nintendo Wii game that would revolutionize the Nintendo Wifi. That game was Super Smash Brothers Brawl. North America was now able to Brawl Online. Many errors still exist because it was the first major Nintendo Wifi game release. There are simple solutions to the following errors you might encounter with either your internet connection or your Nintendo Wii.

The first error you might encountered is delayed game play. This happens most often when you are Brawling in four man matches. Other reasons why this error occurs is because of a weak wireless signal or loose cables in the back of the Wii. Another solution to remove the delay is to reset the wireless router or disconnect any computers that aren't in use.

If you are disconnected completely do not sweat because the game assigns a CPU to take your place the second you are disconnected. The next error/problem that occurs is people can't get connected to other people in Anybody Mode and are waiting in a white room with a sandbag for minutes.

If you experience this error reset the game and if there is a timer in the white room you can get connected to other people in Anybody Wifi Matches. If you do not see a timer you will be waiting in that white room until you exit or get disconnected.

In order to play matches in Friends Wifi Mode you must have your friends Nintendo Wii Brawl number. You can find friend numbers on a lot of Nintendo and Smash Brothers forums online. Nintendo is fine tuning the Wifi settings and game play programming slowly as they find bugs. So over time is will be perfected to be exactly like a standard 2:00 minute Brawl match.

Any other questions or concerns can be found at the Nintendo Wii Wifi help and support online.

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